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No Fast Food Plastic 

Mission: To stop plastic pollution that originates from fast food and quick service restaurant business operations through transparent data collection and comparison of individual company practices.



1. Most Common Plastic PollutionFast food plastic service items comprise the Top 10 items in found in beach, river & community cleanups.  Plastic pollution causes misery & death to many species.

2. Not Recyclable or Compostable: No fast food plastic service item is recyclable in the United States or most countries in the world. Plastics are not compostable. Companies serving plastic items do not meet their 2025 circular economy pledges.

3. Not Legal: Many countries, states, provinces have started to ban plastic convenience products. Check our Country Ban List here and Plastic Pollution Coalition's Legislative Database & Map here.   


Environmental Justice: Plastic food service items are easily replaced by reusables or materials that are less harmful to species and the environment. It is critical that global fast food companies enact good plastic practices consistently across the world because many communities do not have adequate waste management systems.  Everyone on the planet is equally entitled to a healthy environment. It is unethical for fast food companies to serve non-harmful products in some areas and not others. 


How: Through transparent data and comparison of individual company practices, the progress that fast food companies are making and gaps in global best practices are clearly shown.


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Brazos River in Waco, Texas 2018.JPG
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  • @noffoodplastic

Global Fast Food Plastic Survey Map (link to Google Map)

Information Welcomed


Companies and the public are welcomed to send new information about company efforts, bans, and campaigns. Please include a link to credible data source.


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Catalytic Initiatives to Move from Awareness of Plastic Pollution to Widespread Action and Achievement

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