Truth-in-Labeling Shareholder Resolution with Kraft Heinz, Inc.
Resolved: Shareholders request that the Board issue a report, at reasonable expense and excluding proprietary information, providing the factual basis for legitimacy of all recyclable claims made on plastic packaging as required by the United States (U.S.) Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Green Guides and California’s new “Truth in Labeling” law.
Supporting Statement: The report should assess, at Board discretion, the reputational, legal, and financial risks associated with failing to comply with Federal and State environmental marketing requirements for continuing to use recyclable labels on plastic packaging that is not actually recycled in the U.S.
Jan Dell is an individual shareholder who has held Kraft Heinz stock for more than 20 years. After a 35-year corporate chemical engineering career, Jan Dell left industry to work to stop plastic pollution and waste. As profiled in the New York Times in 2023, Jan Dell has been working for six years to bring truth to recyclability labels and claims because truth is essential to making progress on reducing plastic pollution and waste. She founded The Last Beach Cleanup, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, in 2019 and collaborates with stakeholders around the world.
As a long-term shareholder concerned about the Company’s brand reputation and legal risks from false labels and claims, Jan Dell invites other shareholders to vote yes on this resolution.